I was given a few prompts and then told to create 20 different logos for this hairstyling business. These were my favorite out of the 20. The theme was black, white, and gold.
My client asked to have a logo made for his brand but wanted it to seem childish and simple. I drew a few physical drafts, we went through a lot of design changes and tried some geometric forms of the design. Then he asked for a version of two of the designs that he liked the most to make them look like they were metal and were being reflected from the ground.
My client asked me to remaster the logo for his clothing brand "Maison D'Haute Couture". I made several different options for the font. He wanted it to look classy but still urban.
My client commissioned me to make a logo for his charitable organization. He wanted the design to be simple and clean.
My client commissioned me to recreate and construct a classic Trix Cereal box design for a theater production